Ensuring all children have the opportunities to
flourish in their learning, flourish in their world.
Exceptional teaching and learning
Rangitiratanga, Auahatanga
A school community that is welcoming and supportive.
Whanaungatanga, Manaakitanga, Kaitiakitanga
Nelson Central School
High quality primary education in the heart of Nelson City
Nau mai haere mai ki te Kura Pokapū o Whakatū
Nelson Central School is a special place in the heart of Nelson City. We live and breathe our vision of empowering each other to flourish in our learning and in our world through the lenses of equity, excellence and belonging. Our school motto, Aim High- Ki Runga Rawa, encapsulates this.
We are a large contributing school, offering both English and Māori medium streams of learning. We cater to new school starters at five years old through to year 6 students. Our tamariki then move on to either a local intermediate school, mostly Nelson Intermediate, or one of the Nelson Colleges’ preparatory schools.We see ourselves as whānau and have a strong school community, with many opportunities for families to be involved in both day to day learning and in wider school life. Community events take place as both opportunities for fundraising and in building the relationships that are so important to allowing our children to flourish.
Our staff are friendly and highly skilled and you can be assured that they will go the extra mile to ensure that children are safe and thriving in a stimulating and engaging learning culture.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact us.
Ngā mihi nui,
Pip Wells
Kia Matomato te Tipu i te Ao
Flourishing in our learning, flourishing in our world